Having attended the excellent #EPIC event at Exeter on 7th February 2012 which brought together some clever people to discuss both channel shift and social media. The two areas where delivered in separate rooms and I attended/presented on the Channel Shift side!
We heard from other councils about the work that they had done, some of the issues that they had experienced and also some of the differences of opinion they had with guidance about channel shift in general.
Now forgive me if I am wrong but in my opinion channel shift for the web(that's my professional area of interest) has many facets and requirements to succeed, its not about moving everything to a cheaper channel for the authority. You have to consider the tech, of course, but the fundamentals are easy to identify straight off and sits outside of the technical requirements documents that you send to you IS department or the creation of a CRM form for customer service or web team to build .
First off, communications plan! If your not going to tell your customers about what your doing and why then you wont get them to use it, tell them when and what they can expect and more often than not you will get good feedback, I have found feedback from our customers has been excellent, but we are blessed with very clever people in Cornwall. The next part of the comms plan should include staff communications - that's including training them on how to use the "system", what the customers experience should be like and what they need to do if it isnt working (that never happens, honest). The big thing for me is training your staff to change the way that your customers want to interact with customers. Show the customer that the better way is by self serving, give them a good experience and they will use it again, if they need information then tell them its on the website, give them a brief overview even answer their enquiry but ask them if they are online, if they are then send them a link, tell them a bit about the website like "did you know that you can view the website on your mobile phone" for instance(if you have a mobile site that is*), even write scripts for your contact centre staff to follow!
Get this first part right as its all about changing culture, its about changing the customers preferences for interaction by showing that they can do this by themselves, when they want to and where they want to. Its about changing your internal culture by ensuring your staff commit to the changes, giving them the confidence to deal with customers and show them the benefits of self serving, its about services understanding that the real channel migration starts by changing, then its about re-engineering processes, good customer experience and also about realising those channel shift benefits when they happen. There is much more to this but this is my approach, the basics that have worked for me in the past and will be using in the future. The heart of all of what you do should be customer experience, make it a good one change, change the culture internally and externally and it will work.